6. Home Alone
Home Alone (1990)
Director: Chris Columbus
Starring: Macaulay Culkin, Joe Pesci, Daniel Stern, John Heard, Catherine O'Hara
Synopsis: Coming soon.
Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes
“This is a Christmas episode, Beth, listen to the Bible.”
The Episode
Happy holidays from all of us at Totes Recall! In celebration of the holiday season, we watched the Christmas classic, Home Alone (1990). We remember Kevin McCallister's House of Horrors, Jaquette gets the old-man feels, and Molly realizes she's never seen the movie.
But wait, there's more! Keep an eye out for a special bonus episode on January 1.
The Ratings
Did you enjoy the movie more or less than the last time you saw it?
Dan: No answer
Molly: No answer
Also Dan: No change
Beth: No change