122. Jingle All the Way
Jingle All The Way (1996)
Director: Brian Levant
Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sinbad, Phil Hartman, Rita Wilson, Robert Conrad, Jake Lloyd, Jim Belushi
Synopsis: Business dad Howard Langston (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a Christmas dummy who forgot to get his son Jamie (Jake Lloyd) the hot toy of the season: a Turbo Man doll. After lying about it to his absurdly patient wife Liz (Rita Wilson), Howard goes on a ridiculous quest through a semi-fictional Twin Cities (local reference!) to nab a Turbo Man, putting him at odds with postal carrier Myron (Sinbad), the police, and the swolest Santa in the world. Meanwhile, Ted (Phil Hartman) is horny!
Bechdel-Wallace Pass? No
“How big is Sinbad’s route?!”
The Episode
We recall Jingle All the Way (1996) live in Minneapolis, Minn. at Trylon Cinema. There are tons of local references, reindeer danger, and one very horny neighbor. Plus, what might be a Santa fight club.
A special thanks to Winona, Emma, Nate, Also Nate and Kaye for participating on the mics!
The Ratings
On a Scale of 0-5 One-to-Ten Liners
Thanks to Ryan Vanasse for capturing this moment from the live recording!