5. Grease

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Grease (1978)

Director: Randal Kleiser

Starring: John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John, Stockard Channing

Synopsis: Coming soon.

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

One of the most famous songs is essentially: ‘Seriously’, did you guys bang?’
— Also Dan

The Episode

In a very special episode of Totes Recall, the crew recalls a film three of them have seen, and one of them only knows from pop culture references: Grease (1978). Linden talks about using the movie to gain friends, Molly defends Sandra D., and everyone gains confidence.


The Ratings

Did you enjoy the movie more or less than the last time you saw it?

Dan: No answer

Molly: No answer

Also Dan: No change

Beth: No change

The Trailer

EpisodesTotes Recall2014