120. Sleepless in Seattle

Sleepless in Seattle (1993)

Director: Nora Ephron

Starring: Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan, Bill Pullman, Rosie O'Donnell, Rob Reiner

Synopsis: After the death of his wife, Chicago-based architect Sam (Tom Hanks) and his son Jonah (Ross Malinger) move to an incomprehensibly large houseboat in Seattle. Meanwhile, in what is probably Baltimore, Annie (Meg Ryan) is having doubts about her engagement to the perfectly nice but aggressively allergy-prone Walter (Bill Pullman). After Jonah forces Sam into an on-air therapy session with a radio host, Annie and countless other woman start to think Sam might be “the one” while Sam struggles to figure out the next chapter in his life. Also Rosie O’Donnell is there!

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

God, clothes were loose!
— Dan

The Episode

Happy Hanksgiving! The time of the year where we celebrate the films of Tom Hanks. We recall Sleepless in Seattle (1993), a romantic comedy where Meg Ryan falls in love with Tommy Hanks over the radio as he talks about his dead wife. We talk about loose clothes, houseboats, and for some reason, Leonardo da Vinci makes an appearance.


The Ratings

On a scale of 0-5 Hot Dog Hanks

The Trailer

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