112. Scream
scream (1996)
Director: Wes Craven
Starring: Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Cox, Matthew Lillard, Rose McGowan, Skeet Ulrich, Jamie Kennedy, Drew Barrymore
Synopsis: It’s the 90s, baby, and all your favorite 20-somethings portraying teens are here and getting brutally murdered! Sidney (Neve Campbell) is still traumatized by the murder of her mother one year later (weird!), much to the vexation of her skeevy boyfriend Billy (Skeet Ulrich). When a masked killer starts to terrify the town (sort of), Sidney’s friends Tatum (Rose McGowan), Stuart (Matthew Lillard) and Randy (Jamie Kennedy) decide the best course of action is to do basically nothing except riff on horror movie tropes. The only adults actively trying to help are amoral journalist Gale Weathers (Courteney Cox) and bumbling sheriff’s deputy Dewey (David Arquette). Seems fine!
Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes
The Episode
We recall Scream (1996), a slasher film that references a lot of other films. It's got Monica, The Fonz, and some pretty big porches. Plus, we try to get an ice cream sponsor.
A special thanks to Cecilia Mendoza for sponsoring this extra episode of Totes Recall. Thank you, Cecilia!
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On a Scale of 0-5 True Crime Masks
The Trailer
The Extras
An incredible image of the Ben & Jerry’s mascots by @TheLibraryClark.