19. Jumanji
Jumanji (1995)
Director: Joe Johnston
Starring: Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt, Kirsten Dunst, Jonathan Hyde, David Alan Grier
Synopsis: Coming soon.
Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes
“Which Jumanji threat represents mental illness?”
“Probably the hunter that looks like your dad.”
The Episode
Jumanji (1995). A game for those who seek to find a way to leave their world behind. And a movie that we think we remember pretty well. We ask the important questions. Is the lady from Frasier their aunt or mom? Who ends up winning the game? And do you know how when you make a building you need to dig a hole first?
The Ratings
Data to Come
The Trailer
Totes Regrets
By Beth Gibbs
As you might have heard, it was announced earlier this year that a Jumanji remake is in the works. At one point in this episode, I am about to go on an epic rant aimed at Hollywood about why I don't like remakes and reboots. The Dans create a theme song for this new segment that while extremely catchy makes me forget everything I was going to say. Now with no distractions, here is how I feel, Hollywood:
Dear Hollywood,
Please, stop remaking movies. I understand money is the impetus here, but hear me out.
Remakes prey on the nostalgic. People are so excited when they hear their favorite childhood movie is being remade. When they walk out of the theater though, all they get is disappointment. The movie tells the same story with better special effects and worse acting. No matter how much money is thrown at the production, it can never recreate the emotion someone felt watching the original for the first time.
I remember Jumanji as a fun movie, but after rewatching it, the story is not what made it fun. It was fun because I had never seen special effects like that before. It was fun because Robin Williams was a treasure and brought a light to everything he did. It was fun because I was a kid and I got to see other kids go on an adventure. You can't remake that.
So, Hollywood, stop remaking movies. Help us make new memories, so when someone in 30 years remakes your movie we can all walk out of the space theater feeling disappointed by the 4-D effects because it was not even close to being as good as the original.