3. The African Queen

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The African Queen (1951)

Director: John Huston

Starring: Humphrey Bogart, Katharine Hepburn, Robert Morley

Synopsis: Coming soon.

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? No

For 1951, that’s how you do a sex scene, you incorporate some shafts, some torpedos and a lot of pumping.
— Beth

The Episode

The crew recalls The African Queen (1951). Beth remembers a fun romp. Jaquette was titillated by the handsome Katharine Hepburn. Molly is a contrarian. Linden asks, "Did they bang?"


The Ratings

Did you enjoy the movie more or less than the last time you saw it?

Dan: More

Molly: More

Also Dan: More

Beth: Much More

The Trailer

EpisodesTotes Recall2014