108. Starship Troopers

starship troopers (1997)

Director: Paul Verhoeven

Starring: Casper Van Dien, Dina Meyer, Denise Richards, Jake Busey, Neil Patrick Harris, Patrick Muldoon, Michael Ironside

Synopsis: WHOO-ooh! It’s future times, and you know what that means: militant fascism! Relatively capable teens Carmen (Denise Richards), Carl (Neil Patrick Harris, and Johnny Rico (Casper Van Dien) make a vow to stay friends when they all graduate from space school and go off to whatever the government’s propaganda machine has convinced them is their chosen career paths.They all do their parts in Earth’s forever war against the Bug Army while still finding time to bang each other. Also sometimes it seems like maybe we’re the bad guys in this one? Ah, don’t worry about that. Hey, look over there! It’s Rue McClanahan!

Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes

The Episode

We recall Starship Troopers (1997), an action movie that is somehow both pro-and-anti war. There’s plenty of goo, bug holes, and space football. Plus, Jake Busey is there the whole time.



On a scale of 0-5 Denise Richards is Underrated Viral TikToks

The Trailer

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