17. Freaky Friday
Freaky Friday (2003)
Director: Mark Waters
Starring: Jamie Lee Curtis, Lindsay Lohan, Harold Gould, Chad Michael Murray, Mark Harmon
Synopsis: Coming soon.
Bechdel-Wallace Pass? Yes
“Why have we all seen this movie?”
The Episode
Two very unpleasant people swap bodies and learn nothing in this Lindsay Lohan-and-Jamie Lee Curtis picture. We're pretty sure we've blocked out most of Freaky Friday (2003) from our memories, but we recall what we can.
The Ratings
Data to Come
The Trailer
Totes Regrets
By Molly Chase
Is it fair to hate a movie because is not the movie you thought it was? Probably not. But here we are.
Lindsay Lohan is in The Parent Trap, one of my favorite childhood movies of all time, and does a brilliant job. The movie is formulaic, sure, but it also has heart and is funny.
Freaky Friday is not that movie. Freaky Friday is an abomination that sits in the uncanny valley of being too bad to be good, but not bad enough to be enjoyably bad.
I do not blame Lindsay Lohan, who won my heart with her performance in The Parent Trap and owes me nothing.
If I am very honest, she can do no wrong because my obsession with child actors playing dual roles brilliantly goes way back. It started with syndicated reruns of The Patty Duke Show, which is about identical cousins. (What are the chances, RIGHT?) So much that as a teenager with my whole life ahead of me and not exactly popular but not a hermit, either -- I read Call Me Anna: The Autobiography of Patty Duke, cover to cover. In one sitting. Now that some time has passed, I wonder if it holds up? Totes Reread, y'all.